"This year Barbie is once again breaking through plastic ceilings and inspiring girls to follow their dreams. The 2014 career of the year doll is Entrepreneur Barbie. To celebrate her newest career, Barbie is honoring special women entrepreneurs to help start a conversation for girls everywhere, reminding them that — “If they can dream it, they can be it – anything is possible!"
I really love how Barbie is involving real women and girl entrepreneurs from amazing organizations like Girls Who Code, Plum Alley, Rent The Runway, The Tom Kat Studio, Sugarfina, Genuine Insights, and One Kings Lane. They even feature a young entrepreneur, Seraphina Botero, a Cadette Girl Scout from Santa Monica, California. She recently won an Entrepreneur essay-writing contest for her local Council. She’s been with the organization for eight years and has been part of its Cookie Season every year. Never too young to blaze a trail! The amazing leaders are Chief Inspiration Officers aka CIO's who share their stories about building their careers and running their businesses! They even take Barbie with them to work! Barbie's website also features online resources to help girls learn what it means to be an entrepreneur (click here for downloadable resources for your daughter), how to start a business and inspiration for moms like me who own their own businesses. Visit http://www.barbie.com/en-us/news-and-deals/barbie-celebrates-women-entrepreneurs to learn more about these amazing entrepreneurs!
At the end of the day we received a gift bag with our very own Entrepreneur Barbie inside. I was so excited!! I heard about this doll earlier in the year and could not wait until they would be released to the public. You can order them online here!
So Love The Cute Accessories, Briefcase, Tablet, Smartphone!!
Love The Message On The Back Of The Box!
My daughter was super excited to announce to me the launch of "Kennedy's Space Boot Camp". Entrepreneur Barbie owned her own business where she taught astronauts how to go to space. Super cute!
Entrepreneur Barbie's First Student!
Her first training class was in session. Her students were involved in rigorous training where they had to take test to see how much they knew about space. If they passed the first test they would move on to the next level of training. They had to go into a space simulator to see what it was like to be in space, this involved a lot of spinning and twirling. She used the Barbie jet plane from my previous post for this exercise. A special light was shined on the students to simulate the extreme heat they would face from the sun.
Entrepreneur Barbie demonstrating how to properly wear her space helmet for her students.
Math is important to astronauts according to Kennedy! Entrepreneur Barbie
explaining word problems. So love her imagination!
My daughter then flipped off the lights and used the cord from her headphones to put her student into space. So cool to see her doll suspended in the air. She wanted to turn on the fan, but Mommy had to step in and shut that down very quickly! Did not want Barbie and her cord getting tangled in the fan or flying through a window!
So after passing many difficult levels, her student had finally passed all the requirements and she was cleared to go to space!
Official handshake to seal the deal!!
I really loved seeing my daughter's ideas for her very own business. Her concept actually really blew me away. I know there are a lot of negative opinions out there about Barbie, her proportions and her choices of clothing make parents feel that she is a bad influence. I was one of those parents who was quick to jump on the Barbie bashing train. Throughout this project my opionions have changed as I watched what really happens during her playtime. Seeing my daughter's initial idea to create a business around science/space I realize that it is not just about the doll or how the doll looks it is about what we are modeling, teaching and exposing them to that really matters. I go out of my way to show my daughters that girls can do anything that they put their minds to. They can be wear pink business suits and work for NASA! I saw an ad this evening that really resonated with me about our idea of what it means to be a girl in our society and that it is not just about wearing pink or being a girl.
My daughter proved that tonight to me. I am so excited that there are toys like this that are being offered that allow our children to explore and imagine in new ways!
I am curious to know what dream or businesses your daughters or sons have imagined or created! Be sure to leave a comment on our blog, social networks (facebook, twitter) or on the www.barbieproject.com website!