Thursday, August 30, 2012

Unwaivering Faith ~ Updates On My Empowerment Journey

Since I stepped out on faith two weeks ago today and left my job of almost 5 years to pursue opportunities that would allow more flexibility for my family and time for my dreams (read about my leap by clicking here)  I'm not going to lie, I have had many doubt filled moments and thoughts that say, "What the heck were you thinking leaving your steady job!". Unexpected expenses or bills seem to be popping out of no where, making my decision seem even more crazy!!!   Then in each moment, I decide to dig in and trust that God will make a way, and that I am taking the cap off of my 'salary' (thanks Elisha for helping me see the bigger picture :-) and now God can take over and there is no limit on what can come my way. I feel like Peter walking on water, I look down sometimes and feel like I"m falling but then I look up and know who I have to focus on.  It seems that when I turn it over to Him and changed my focus He seems to be working things out each time.  This morning I had another one of those moments which lead me to post this update!

This is a new level of trust and faith for me, but the reward is so worth it. The joy and peace I have now is truly immeasurable as a mom and wife and helps drive me forward to create this life that will serve me, my family and the world . Words can't explain how much more present I am when I am with my family. I wake up and go to bed feeling calm and patient. I am truly very thankful today!
A BIG thanks to my supportive hubby (love you babe!) and faith filled friends and family who are there with the right words of encouragement to help me keep going.

To all of you pursuing your dreams, there truly is a power out there that can make this journey easier!  I am super excited to see what things will unfold for me now that I have enlarged my vision and putting my trust in God who has always taken care of me in the past.  Let's continue to move towards our dreams!!

Make it a great one Empowered Peeps!

Had to share this beautiful song by Forever Jones, "You Can Do Anything", that I listen to for encouragment..may it encourage you today!

To learn more about Empower Her, Inc. and to support our missions (donations are tax deductible) please visit our site!


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