“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.”
-Marianne Williamson
You truly never know how God will use you to inspire and empower others. What started out as theme for my empowerment birthday party last month has now inspired other women to think about how they are leaving their mark on women's history! After sharing pictures from my Women's History themed party last month we began getting requests from women who wanted to also see themselves amongst powerful women both past and present. There is real power in visualization and that we are no different than the amazing women that we admire on a day to day basis! I was so thrilled with how my party came out (see blog post for more details) and to now partner with Kustom Kreation Photography & Celebration Decor to offer these collages as inspiration to amazing women making a difference everyday blows me away!!!
I am also sooooooo excited that a portion of the proceeds from each collage will go to our non-profit Empower Her, Inc!. We plan to take the proceeds that are raised from this empowerment project and provide a woman with a Empower Her Grant (my 1st of many) to help them with the launch of their dream business or help a woman in the trenches trying to build her vision. Often times it is just the little things like getting business cards, marketing materials, buying a domain name for their business or even application fees to return or start college that can help get a person's dream off the ground or the boost to keep going! Whoohooo..I so love the 'gift of empowerment'... if you can't already tell!
We are also running a mother's day special which is a great gift idea for the moms and women in our lives! For more information about this Empower Your Image Project please click here or visit us on the web: http://empoweryourimage.webs.com/ and email empoweringherinc@yahoo.com!
Big Thank You to Elisha Akram, the creative founder of Kustom Kreation Photography & Celebration Decor for helping to make my vision a reality and using your special gifts and talents on this project! You are truly leaving your mark on history!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to our Empower Her Grant fund that will empower a woman or girl please donate by using the secure paypal link on our webpage!